Organic cotton

      Our Organic Cotton Products is to connect our supply chains down to the farm to ensure we understand conditions on the ground and have the ability to work as partners on the solutions. Thus far, we have succeeded in doing so for our organic cotton blend t-shirt program and seek to do the same for our organic cotton woven materials.

Why We Choose Organic Cotton.

Organic cotton sustains the health of soils, ecosystems, and people.

Its cultivation relies on ecological processes and cycles, rather than artificial inputs which can have unintended adverse effects.

Growing conventional cotton uses 11 times more water than organic cotton.

Regular cotton is grown with harmful pesticides that leach into the environment, while organic cotton is made using beneficial insects.

Organic cotton contributes less than half as much to the world?s rising CO2 emissions as regular cotton does.

Conventional cotton has had a disastrous effect on the lives of many farmers, while organic cotton is far more ethical.

Regular cotton can cause less-than-desirable side effects to the skin, but organic cotton is hypoallergenic.